MarketGen: the complete picture of the generator market per country
MarketGen provides details on sales, assembly, imports & exports of generating sets for each country.
It allows you to identify for each territory:
- The local consumption (how many gensets are actually sold and installed in the country)
- The local assembly of generators (how many gensets are produced locally)
- Imports (how many complete gensets are imported)
- Exports (how many complete gensets are exported)
The data are updated quarterly and are broken down into units and US $, distributed by power band and by year (with 3 years of forecast)
TradeStats: monthly imports & exports of generating sets
TradeStats provides monthly statistics of imports & exports of generating sets.
It enables you:
- To monitor the generator market every month and have the most updated information
- To know the country of origin of generators imported in each territory
- To know how many generating sets are exported from any country (45 export countries)
- To follow the trends and identify the market opportunities

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